About Beekeeping
While we consider the science and life of the bee, the beekeeper can also play a vital role in the success of the colony. So, what does it take to be a beekeeper and what is involved?

Can I let a beekeeper use my land for their beehives?
What should you do if you love honeybees and beekeeping, but for one reason or another, you’re unable to be a beekeeper yourself?
February 7, 2025

Should I join a beekeeping club?
Brand new to learning beekeeping? Have years of experience? Being part of a beekeeping community can offer some great benefits.
February 4, 2025

Do I need permission to start beekeeping?
Beekeeping laws and regulations cover many aspects of beekeeping and may vary by location.
January 22, 2025

Can I be a beekeeper if I’m allergic?
With certain precautions, it’s possible to safely enjoy the hobby with a bee sting allergy.
January 20, 2025

Beekeeping Goals
Goals for Becoming a BeekeeperOther than the personal enjoyment and satisfaction that most beekeepers crave, many people have wonderful goals in mind for their hobby...
February 27, 2024

Don’t Forget to Take Video of Your First Hives
Although as you gain experience there will be a bit less to learn, beekeeping is a hobby where the learning never stops. When you’re first...

Is Beekeeping Right For You?
The pros, and cons, and other variables to consider when asking yourself, "is beekeeping right for me?"
January 14, 2023

Great Gifts for Beekeepers
Whether the holiday season, a birthday or any other time of the year, it's always fun to gift your favorite beekeeper.
November 14, 2022

9 Ways For Bee-lovers to Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Who is the patron saint of beekeeping? St Valentine, no less. We can't let that go without a celebration. Here are 9 ways to do...

The PerfectBee Introduction to Learning Beekeeping
Why Learn Beekeeping?All beekeepers have their special reasons for doing what they do. Only you can decide what draws you into beekeeping, but here are...
January 15, 2020

Introducing the PerfectBee Colony Beekeeping Forum
For any online community, such as PerfectBee Colony, an important factor is exactly how and where members engage with each other. Somewhat over-simplifying a complex...
August 12, 2019

Why Beekeeping?
This article is part of the A New Beekeeper's Journal column, which documents the story of Keith Stiles as he builds a keen interest in...

A potted history of beekeeping
Which came first - flower or bee?It’s a good question, and just as hard to answer as the chicken and the egg one. Bees and...

Learn About Bees: Stage Summary
IntroductionSo here we are at the end of Stage 1 of our beekeeping course. Our focus in Stage 1 : Learn About Bees was to set...

Natural Beekeeping: The Problems with Following The Crowd
Keeping it RealNatural beekeeping has quickly drawn the attention of new beekeepers across the nation. It’s a rare bee class or meeting when the topic...

Natural Beekeeping: An Introduction
Discover the principles of natural beekeeping, a captivating approach that emphasizes harmony with nature, sustainability, and the well-being of bee colonies.

What You Should Consider Before Becoming An Urban Beekeeper
Urban beekeeping. Is there really even such a thing? Why yes, yes there is. And it is on the rise, just like urban farming. People...

How To Cope With Bee Stings
Have you ever been stung by a bee?Are bee stings something that has held you back in your beekeeping ventures? Have you ever wondered "What...

How To Get Your Kids Involved In Beekeeping
Are you a beekeeper with a child right on your heels?If so, you should encourage them!You are probably wondering how? Keeping bees is not the...

April Beekeeping: the challenges and rewards
April is the cruellest month, breedingLilacs out of dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with the spring rain- T.S. Eliot The Waste LandIntroductionIn April,...

Bee facts for kids
Bees and kids are often not a happy combination. Taught to fear bee stings at a young age, children often erupt with screams and tears...

Common concerns about keeping bees
It's not uncommon for the laymen to harbor a fear of bees. But a little digging shows they are far more docile than many consider.

Beekeeping and Easter
There are more associations between beekeeping and Easter than you might imagine.

Unique and Emerging Beekeeping Trends
Although beekeeping is a time-honored tradition, it is constantly evolving and new trends and technology emerging to aide beekeepers - and save the bees.

6 ways to join the beekeeping community
As a new beekeeper you have a lot to learn. Beyond old-school books, today we have the benefit of the Internet. But for the most...

Can I really be a beekeeper?
Our resident curious beekeeper-to-be, Amy, wonders whether she has all she needs to be a beekeeper, while hoping her history with plants isn't an accurate...

Being thankful for bees
As we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner there are so many things for which we should be grateful - but especially the bees!

Why bees fascinate me
How one intrigued, fascinated person is slowing getting drawn into the amazing world beekeeping.

Can I let a beekeeper use my land for their beehives?
What should you do if you love honeybees and beekeeping, but for one reason or another, you’re unable to be a beekeeper yourself?
February 7, 2025

Should I join a beekeeping club?
Brand new to learning beekeeping? Have years of experience? Being part of a beekeeping community can offer some great benefits.
February 4, 2025

Do I need permission to start beekeeping?
Beekeeping laws and regulations cover many aspects of beekeeping and may vary by location.
January 22, 2025

Can I be a beekeeper if I’m allergic?
With certain precautions, it’s possible to safely enjoy the hobby with a bee sting allergy.
January 20, 2025

Beekeeping Goals
Goals for Becoming a BeekeeperOther than the personal enjoyment and satisfaction that most beekeepers crave, many people have wonderful goals in mind for their hobby...
February 27, 2024

Don’t Forget to Take Video of Your First Hives
Although as you gain experience there will be a bit less to learn, beekeeping is a hobby where the learning never stops. When you’re first...

Is Beekeeping Right For You?
The pros, and cons, and other variables to consider when asking yourself, "is beekeeping right for me?"
January 14, 2023

Great Gifts for Beekeepers
Whether the holiday season, a birthday or any other time of the year, it's always fun to gift your favorite beekeeper.
November 14, 2022

9 Ways For Bee-lovers to Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Who is the patron saint of beekeeping? St Valentine, no less. We can't let that go without a celebration. Here are 9 ways to do...

The PerfectBee Introduction to Learning Beekeeping
Why Learn Beekeeping?All beekeepers have their special reasons for doing what they do. Only you can decide what draws you into beekeeping, but here are...
January 15, 2020

Introducing the PerfectBee Colony Beekeeping Forum
For any online community, such as PerfectBee Colony, an important factor is exactly how and where members engage with each other. Somewhat over-simplifying a complex...
August 12, 2019

Why Beekeeping?
This article is part of the A New Beekeeper's Journal column, which documents the story of Keith Stiles as he builds a keen interest in...

A potted history of beekeeping
Which came first - flower or bee?It’s a good question, and just as hard to answer as the chicken and the egg one. Bees and...

Learn About Bees: Stage Summary
IntroductionSo here we are at the end of Stage 1 of our beekeeping course. Our focus in Stage 1 : Learn About Bees was to set...

Natural Beekeeping: The Problems with Following The Crowd
Keeping it RealNatural beekeeping has quickly drawn the attention of new beekeepers across the nation. It’s a rare bee class or meeting when the topic...

Natural Beekeeping: An Introduction
Discover the principles of natural beekeeping, a captivating approach that emphasizes harmony with nature, sustainability, and the well-being of bee colonies.

What You Should Consider Before Becoming An Urban Beekeeper
Urban beekeeping. Is there really even such a thing? Why yes, yes there is. And it is on the rise, just like urban farming. People...

How To Cope With Bee Stings
Have you ever been stung by a bee?Are bee stings something that has held you back in your beekeeping ventures? Have you ever wondered "What...

How To Get Your Kids Involved In Beekeeping
Are you a beekeeper with a child right on your heels?If so, you should encourage them!You are probably wondering how? Keeping bees is not the...

April Beekeeping: the challenges and rewards
April is the cruellest month, breedingLilacs out of dead land, mixingMemory and desire, stirringDull roots with the spring rain- T.S. Eliot The Waste LandIntroductionIn April,...

Bee facts for kids
Bees and kids are often not a happy combination. Taught to fear bee stings at a young age, children often erupt with screams and tears...

Common concerns about keeping bees
It's not uncommon for the laymen to harbor a fear of bees. But a little digging shows they are far more docile than many consider.

Beekeeping and Easter
There are more associations between beekeeping and Easter than you might imagine.

Unique and Emerging Beekeeping Trends
Although beekeeping is a time-honored tradition, it is constantly evolving and new trends and technology emerging to aide beekeepers - and save the bees.

6 ways to join the beekeeping community
As a new beekeeper you have a lot to learn. Beyond old-school books, today we have the benefit of the Internet. But for the most...

Can I really be a beekeeper?
Our resident curious beekeeper-to-be, Amy, wonders whether she has all she needs to be a beekeeper, while hoping her history with plants isn't an accurate...

Being thankful for bees
As we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner there are so many things for which we should be grateful - but especially the bees!

Why bees fascinate me
How one intrigued, fascinated person is slowing getting drawn into the amazing world beekeeping.