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The PerfectBee Blog

Our beekeeping blog covers topics for the hobbyist beekeeper, including understanding bees, equipment, best practices, treatments and much more.

What are the biggest threats to honeybees?
What are the biggest threats to honeybees?
A beekeeper’s job is to help ensure their colony stays healthy, despite the various threats that exist which could harm them.
March 18, 2025
How often should I inspect my beehives?
How often should I inspect my beehives?
Beehive inspections are an integral part of keeping healthy bees, as long as they are completed and timed correctly.
March 14, 2025
Other than my beehives, what equipment will I need?
Other than my beehives, what equipment will I need?
Many specialized tools are available to help with managing your colony's health and complete beekeeping tasks.
March 13, 2025
What should I do to prepare for installing my bees?
What should I do to prepare for installing my bees?
The day you'll install honeybees is a very big and exciting one indeed, but it shouldn't be a stressful time! Ease your worries with these...
March 11, 2025
What is the most popular type of beehive?
What is the most popular type of beehive?
There are many beehive designs available, all aiming to provide what you and your bees need... but which one is most popular, and why?
March 10, 2025
Swarm Management in Spring
Swarm Management in Spring
Spring is the busiest time of year for both the bees and the beekeeper.  A strong, healthy colony will feel the natural urge to reproduce...
Can I share beekeeping with my kids?
Can I share beekeeping with my kids?
Fostering an interest in honeybees at a young age can lead to a generation of more successful and responsible beekeepers.
March 5, 2025
Sometimes, beekeeping chooses you!
Sometimes, beekeeping chooses you!
Marta's Beekeeping Story leads us down an unexpected and adventurous path to beekeeping in which she focuses on the health and vitality of her colonies...
March 4, 2025
When can I harvest honey from my hives?
When can I harvest honey from my hives?
Harvesting honey can be a very exciting prospect for any new beekeeper, but there are some very important things to consider before doing so.
March 3, 2025
Will I need to feed my bees?
Will I need to feed my bees?
Beekeepers should be sure they know what signs indicate it's time to feed a honeybee colony, especially newbies starting their first season.
February 27, 2025
Where should I place my beehives?
Where should I place my beehives?
Before setting up your beehives out in the bee yard, there are a few important considerations to keep in mind.
February 24, 2025
What makes a bee yard location ideal for honeybees?
What makes a bee yard location ideal for honeybees?
In a bee yard location, honeybees need a few basic things in order to thrive and not just survive.
February 24, 2025
What is the role of a worker honeybee?
What is the role of a worker honeybee?
A honeybee colony can't survive without its queen, but worker bees and their role are equally important.
February 19, 2025
What is the role of a queen honeybee?
What is the role of a queen honeybee?
Arguably the most important bee within a colony, the honeybee queen's role is a vital one to their growth and survival.
February 18, 2025
Do drone bees serve a purpose outside of mating?
Do drone bees serve a purpose outside of mating?
Honeybee drones - not just useful for reproduction!
February 14, 2025
What is the role of the drone honeybee?
What is the role of the drone honeybee?
Drones are specialized for a singular but critical function: ensuring the genetic diversity and growth of honeybee populations.
February 13, 2025
How long do honeybees live?
How long do honeybees live?
The lifetime of honeybees is dependent on the type of bee and the role that they play within the colony.
February 10, 2025
Can I let a beekeeper use my land for their beehives?
Can I let a beekeeper use my land for their beehives?
What should you do if you love honeybees and beekeeping, but for one reason or another, you’re unable to be a beekeeper yourself?
February 7, 2025
When Advanced Monitoring Meets Beekeeping
When Advanced Monitoring Meets Beekeeping
Traditionally, the use of technology in beekeeping has been fairly limited, particularly at the hobbyist level. Yet hobbyists, sideliners, and commercial beekeepers all face similar challenges....
How long does it take for a honeybee egg to hatch?
How long does it take for a honeybee egg to hatch?
Honeybee development time varies by role: worker, drone, or queen.
February 7, 2025
Product Guide: Langstroth Hives
Product Guide: Langstroth Hives
The Langstroth is both the most traditional and popular of beehives. It is also the design with the potential for the highest honey yield.
February 5, 2025
How do honeybees reproduce?
How do honeybees reproduce?
Honeybee colonies reproduce in different ways depending on their needs as a colony.
February 5, 2025
Should I join a beekeeping club?
Should I join a beekeeping club?
Brand new to learning beekeeping? Have years of experience? Being part of a beekeeping community can offer some great benefits.
February 4, 2025
Are bears a threat to my beehive(s)?
Are bears a threat to my beehive(s)?
Prevention is key to protecting your bees from potential threats, and bears are no exception.
February 3, 2025
Can I tell if my colony is still alive in the winter?
Can I tell if my colony is still alive in the winter?
Beekeepers can use some special techniques to check if their colony is alive in the coldest months.
February 3, 2025
Product Guide : Langstroth Boxes
Product Guide : Langstroth Boxes
The focal point of the Langstroth are the boxes in which your bees will live. This Product Guide looks at the options available when purchasing...
February 1, 2025
Are dead bees at a beehive’s entrance normal?
Are dead bees at a beehive’s entrance normal?
A few dead bees are normal, but it's important to know when you need to do further investigation.
January 29, 2025
Do bees need water in the winter?
Do bees need water in the winter?
Honeybees cannot forage in winter while clustered. So, how do they get their water?
January 28, 2025
Product Guide: Frames and Foundation
Product Guide: Frames and Foundation
One area with many choices is that of the frames and foundation to be used in our hives. There are options aplenty here and, without...
January 28, 2025
Do my beehives need added insulation?
Do my beehives need added insulation?
In some extreme scenarios, man-made beehives may not be able to retain the level of heat needed to keep bees safe.
January 28, 2025
What are the biggest threats to honeybees in the winter?
What are the biggest threats to honeybees in the winter?
Honeybees need to stay warm and require enough resources to survive the winter, but what else threatens them?
January 27, 2025
Product Guide: Varroa Treatments
Product Guide: Varroa Treatments
Discover effective Varroa mite treatments for your bees. Explore natural and synthetic options, including Apiguard and Oxalic Acid, to protect your hive.
Why is condensation in a beehive dangerous?
Why is condensation in a beehive dangerous?
Cold weather and condensation are a dangerous combination for honeybee winter survival.
January 24, 2025
How do honeybees make beeswax?
How do honeybees make beeswax?
Honeybees produce beeswax with a process that begins with using specialized glands on their abdomen.
January 24, 2025
What temperature is too cold for honeybees?
What temperature is too cold for honeybees?
When temperatures get too low, beekeepers should avoid disturbing the colony and cluster.
January 23, 2025
Do I need permission to start beekeeping?
Do I need permission to start beekeeping?
Beekeeping laws and regulations cover many aspects of beekeeping and may vary by location.
January 22, 2025
What is a “Candy Board”?
What is a “Candy Board”?
Candy boards are a preferred method of providing supplemental food for bees, especially in the winter months.
January 21, 2025
Can I be a beekeeper if I’m allergic?
Can I be a beekeeper if I’m allergic?
With certain precautions, it’s possible to safely enjoy the hobby with a bee sting allergy.
January 20, 2025
Why do bees buzz?
Why do bees buzz?
Bees buzz with intention. Communication is key when there are so many variables in the life of a honeybee!
January 20, 2025
What are “Winter Bees”?
What are “Winter Bees”?
Born in late summer or early fall, winter bees are built differently! Their bodies develop especially to survive the cold months.
January 17, 2025
Can I check on my bees during cold weather?
Can I check on my bees during cold weather?
Disturbing the hive in cold weather can stress bees. Learn how to check on your bees safely in the winter!
January 16, 2025
Where do bees go to the bathroom?
Where do bees go to the bathroom?
In winter, it’s normal for honeybees to relieve themselves near the hive. Learn what is normal and when to be alarmed.
January 15, 2025
What is the best time of year to start beekeeping?
What is the best time of year to start beekeeping?
The timeline you'll officially start your beekeeping hobby depends on a few factors, read more inside to help ensure a successful start! 
January 14, 2025
Where can I obtain bees for a beehive?
Where can I obtain bees for a beehive?
A nucleus colony, packaged bees, catching a swarm; learn what your options are and what will work best for your season as a beekeeper.
January 13, 2025
Do honeybees hibernate?
Do honeybees hibernate?
Honeybees use a wide array of tactics to see them through the winter, without hibernation. There is also the wonder of winter bees.
January 5, 2025
Feeding Honeybees in the Fall
Feeding Honeybees in the Fall
As each beekeeping season is nearing its end, beekeepers are filled with a twinge of sadness and anxiety. Not only will we miss being able...
September 19, 2024
Winter Bees & Fall Honeybee Populations
Winter Bees & Fall Honeybee Populations
Consider how honeybee populations change in the fall and learn what the "winter bees" are all about.
September 11, 2024
Preparing Honeybee Colonies for Winter
Preparing Honeybee Colonies for Winter
Prepare your honeybee colonies for winter. Essential tips on hive inspection, feeding, and ensuring their health and survival through the colder months.
September 6, 2024
Combining Honeybee Colonies
Combining Honeybee Colonies
As we touched on in another Snippet, "Assessing Colony Size", knowing what the size of your colony is AND what it means for its health...
August 28, 2024
Assessing Honeybee Colony Size
Assessing Honeybee Colony Size
No matter the reason for your trip out to your bee yard and inspection of your colonies, each time you peek inside one of your...
August 21, 2024
Harvesting Honey from Your Beehive
Harvesting Honey from Your Beehive
The best practices for harvesting honey from your beehive. Learn tips and techniques to ensure a successful and rewarding honey extraction experience.
July 31, 2024
Before You Harvest Honey
Before You Harvest Honey
Tips for harvesting honey from your beehive. Learn what to consider before collecting your sweet rewards and ensure a successful beekeeping experience.
July 25, 2024
Beehive Robbing & How to Manage It in Your Bee Yard
Beehive Robbing & How to Manage It in Your Bee Yard
“Robbing” is a term in the beekeeping world that refers to the act of bees (or other insects and animals, like wasps) invading another hive...
July 18, 2024
Helping Bees Through a Nectar or Pollen Dearth
Helping Bees Through a Nectar or Pollen Dearth
Being a beekeeper often requires you to pay attention to what’s happening in the environment around your bee yard, especially when it comes to keeping...
July 10, 2024
What is the Varroa Destructor Mite?
What is the Varroa Destructor Mite?
Whether you’re just getting started in beekeeping or have been at it for years, you’ve likely heard a LOT about the Varroa Mite. But are...
April 22, 2024
Tips & Tricks for Providing Pollinator-Friendly Plants
Tips & Tricks for Providing Pollinator-Friendly Plants
“Beekeeping Season” is often thought of as the time of year when the world and environment around us will become alive and renewed again. Trees...
April 16, 2024
During & After a Honeybee Swarm
During & After a Honeybee Swarm
Learn how to inspect your hive during and after a honeybee swarm. Explore essential tips to manage your bees and ensure the health of your...
April 10, 2024
Why Honeybees Swarm
Why Honeybees Swarm
The sight of a honeybee swarm is truly an incredible one. Thousands of honeybees, heavy with the weight of the nectar they carry, decide together...
April 3, 2024
How to Feed Honeybee Colonies
How to Feed Honeybee Colonies
Learn to feed your honeybees effectively, ensuring their health and productivity. It's crucial to understand best practices for nourishing your hive.
March 26, 2024
Feeding Honeybees -What is “Ash Content”?
Feeding Honeybees -What is “Ash Content”?
Let's discuss the ash content in sugar and what it means for feeding your bees.
March 21, 2024
What to Feed Honeybee Colonies
What to Feed Honeybee Colonies
If you decide that your honeybee colony could benefit from extra feed, the next step is choosing the right type. Selecting the appropriate feed and...
March 19, 2024
When to Feed Honeybee Colonies
When to Feed Honeybee Colonies
Learn to feed your honeybee colonies for optimal health and productivity. Understand when it's necessary to support your bees throughout the seasons.
March 12, 2024
Tips for Installing New Honeybee Colonies
Tips for Installing New Honeybee Colonies
One of the most exciting steps for any beekeeper is installing a new honeybee colony into their beehive. It can, though, be a worrying time as...
March 6, 2024
Beekeeping Goals
Beekeeping Goals
From supporting pollination to producing honey, discover some of the possible and diverse goals of beekeeping for this season and beyond.
February 27, 2024
Honeybee Cleansing Flights
Honeybee Cleansing Flights
Honeybees avoid waste near their hive. Learn how they use "cleansing" and "clearing" flights during warmer months to keep their homes hygienic.
February 22, 2024
Announcing some important changes at PerfectBee
Announcing some important changes at PerfectBee
Discover important updates at PerfectBee as we enhance your beekeeping experience. Join us in celebrating the joy of beekeeping with our latest changes!
A Beehive Autopsy
A Beehive Autopsy
Investigating lost honeybee colonies helps identify causes and provides insights for improving success with future colonies.
February 7, 2024
Checking Your Beehive Has Signs of Life
Checking Your Beehive Has Signs of Life
Ensure your bees thrive through winter by learning how to check for signs of life in your hive without disturbing the colony, and what to...
Know where to source your bees? Think about that now!
Know where to source your bees? Think about that now!
New beekeepers starting their beehives this spring are quite rightly focused on their equipment and having it ready for the day they bring their new...
January 15, 2024
Get Your Hives Off the Ground
Get Your Hives Off the Ground
While you could start a beehive by setting your hive directly on the ground and the bees might just make do, at least for a...
Don’t Forget to Take Video of Your First Hives
Don’t Forget to Take Video of Your First Hives
Although as you gain experience there will be a bit less to learn, beekeeping is a hobby where the learning never stops. When you’re first...
The Value in Reviewing Losses
The Value in Reviewing Losses
Awful News, But an OpportunityNo beekeeper wants to go out to feed a hive in late winter or open up a hive for their Spring...
Inspect Often When You Start Beekeeping
Inspect Often When You Start Beekeeping
For a first-year beekeeper, it's important to dive in and learn how to inspect your beehives with hands-on experience. Every hive is unique, so inspect...
Starting With Multiple Hives
Starting With Multiple Hives
With a single hive, we lose many options as beekeepersOne question all beginner beekeepers face is just how many hives they should install when starting...
How Far Do Bees Forage?
How Far Do Bees Forage?
For nectar, pollen and water, our bees will travel great distancesHoney bees are like foraging machines! While a single honey bee will make less than...
What’s in Your Toolkit
What’s in Your Toolkit
Beekeeping requires a few specialized, multi-purpose tools for inspections and tasks. A beekeeper's toolkit doesn’t need to be extensive or costly, but we do need...
Great Gifts for Beekeepers
Great Gifts for Beekeepers
Whether the holiday season, a birthday or any other time of the year, it's always fun to gift your favorite beekeeper.
November 14, 2022
What is a Drone Congregation Area?
What is a Drone Congregation Area?
The fascinating world of drone congregation areas (DCAs), where male bees gather for mating. Learn their significance in the hive and the life of bees.
Why to Store Frames
Why to Store Frames
Freezing honey frames is a useful option for the beekeeperAfter the beekeeper extracted honey from supers, the work isn’t quite done yet. The beekeeper will...
Do Bees See Colors?
Do Bees See Colors?
How the Vision of Bees Helps ThemAs with many things bee-related, the way honey bees see the world is remarkable. However, the way they see...
The Composition of Honey
The Composition of Honey
Examine the fascinating composition of honey, a natural sweetener made by bees from flower nectar. Learn about its unique properties and health benefits.
A Beekeeper’s Guide to Bee Stings
A Beekeeper’s Guide to Bee Stings
There aren’t many guarantees when it comes to keeping bees, but eventually getting stung is one of them.
Identifying Poisoned Bees
Identifying Poisoned Bees
Be ready....If you keep bees, it’s likely that sooner or later, upon visiting your bee yard, you will find a pile of dead bees on...
Bee Hive Insulation for the Winter
Bee Hive Insulation for the Winter
In nature, honey bees overwinter in hollow tree cavities, with a small entrance and generous insulation above, below, and around their hive. This creates an...
How to Make Honey Sticks
How to Make Honey Sticks
Learn how to make delicious honey sticks with your harvested honey. Enjoy your sweet rewards in a fun, portable way!
Marking a Queen Bee
Marking a Queen Bee
Learn how to mark your queen bee effectively to ensure a healthy hive. Discover tips and techniques for getting the job done.
The Beekeeper’s Role in Avoiding Colony Starvation
The Beekeeper’s Role in Avoiding Colony Starvation
Learn how beekeepers can prevent colony starvation by understanding bee behavior, managing food supplies, and ensuring a healthy hive environment year-round.
A Guide to Beehive Entrance Management
A Guide to Beehive Entrance Management
Bees in the wild make good use of whatever entrances to a space they can find. In the managed environment of our own beehives, however,...
It Started With A Swarm
It Started With A Swarm
A beekeeper story.
9 Ways For Bee-lovers to Celebrate Valentine’s Day
9 Ways For Bee-lovers to Celebrate Valentine’s Day
Who is the patron saint of beekeeping? St Valentine, no less. We can't let that go without a celebration. Here are 9 ways to do...
A BetterComb Hive Inspection
A BetterComb Hive Inspection
There has been strong growth in interest recently for synthetic comb, as an effective way to help our bees establish themselves in a hive. The...
September 3, 2020
The Basics Of Requeening A Hive
The Basics Of Requeening A Hive
Does the idea of requeening a hive scare you? Don’t let it. It is great for your hive and in turn, great for you as a beekeeper....
Introducing the PerfectBee Colony Beekeeping Forum
Introducing the PerfectBee Colony Beekeeping Forum
Join the PerfectBee Colony forum to connect with fellow beekeepers, share experiences, and enhance your beekeeping journey in a supportive online community.
August 12, 2019
Calming your bees
Calming your bees
How can we assess our bees response during a hive inspection? And what can we do to increase the chances of the calm enjoyable encounter...
VSH and The Selective Breeding of Bees To Fight Varroa
VSH and The Selective Breeding of Bees To Fight Varroa
VHS bees exhibit behaviors that directly reduce the number of Varroa in a hive, helping keeping the threat of mites in check.
The Mechanics of The Drone Congregation Area
The Mechanics of The Drone Congregation Area
Drone Congregation Areas (DCAs) are a fascinating place where queens kick-start their life of egg laying - and drones end their own.
The story of a single cell within a beehive
The story of a single cell within a beehive
The events that happen within a beehive are hidden from view. But they shape the miraculous lives of our bees and, through the wonder of...
The amazing life of the Varroa mite
The amazing life of the Varroa mite
We love our bees. We introduce them to their homes, in the form of a hive. We do our best to ensure they have the...
A Beekeepers Guide To Using Oxalic Acid
A Beekeepers Guide To Using Oxalic Acid
An effective and popular treatmentA keen awareness of the level of Varroa mites in the hive is a primary concern for most beekeepers. There are...
Mite Treatments and Winter Hive Activity
Mite Treatments and Winter Hive Activity
Winter Updates from the HiveWhat a year it has been in Beorn's Apiary! 2018 went out with relatively warm weather. In December, we had a...
Why Beekeeping?
Why Beekeeping?
This article is part of the A New Beekeeper's Journal column, which documents the story of Keith Stiles as he builds a keen interest in...
Open Or Closed Feeding: Which Is Best?
Open Or Closed Feeding: Which Is Best?
Well, many people might have only seen bees being fed one way or the other. But really, you should be well informed so you can...
Screen Bottom Boards Vs. Solid Bottom Boards: Which Is Better?
Screen Bottom Boards Vs. Solid Bottom Boards: Which Is Better?
Did you know that there are two different types of bottom boards?New beekeepers may not be aware that there are many types of bottom boards...
Using Essential Oils To Help Your Hives
Using Essential Oils To Help Your Hives
Did you know that using herbs for medicine was once considered witchcraft?It is true! During the 17th Century they literally handed out tips as to...
5 Methods To Help You Raise Your Own Queens
5 Methods To Help You Raise Your Own Queens
Would you like to be able to raise your own queens?The idea of raising your own queen isn't one that comes to mind early for...
Equipment Choices For Beginner Beekeepers
Equipment Choices For Beginner Beekeepers
You don't need all the beekeeping equipment seen online to succeed. However, basic, essential gear is required to get started. I'll share my recommendations and...
The ZomBees are Coming!
The ZomBees are Coming!
ZomBees?!!!No, this isn’t a joke or the next big sci-fi flick coming to a box office near you, though I’m sure Hollywood could have a...
Bees And Pesticides: What Is Safe?
Bees And Pesticides: What Is Safe?
Discover the impact of pesticides on bees and learn safe practices to protect these vital pollinators while maintaining a healthy beehive.
What To Know About Performing A Split
What To Know About Performing A Split
Have you ever performed a swarm split?If not, it can actually be rather intimidating at first thought. I remember the first time my husband performed...
What You Should Consider Before Becoming An Urban Beekeeper
What You Should Consider Before Becoming An Urban Beekeeper
Urban beekeeping. Is there really even such a thing? Why yes, yes there is. And it is on the rise, just like urban farming. People...
Small Hive Beetle: What is it, How to Treat it
Small Hive Beetle: What is it, How to Treat it
What is the Small Hive BeetleThe small hive beetle is a common hive pest, particularly in southern areas. The winters in northern areas are a...
How To Cope With Bee Stings
How To Cope With Bee Stings
Have you ever been stung by a bee?Are bee stings something that has held you back in your beekeeping ventures? Have you ever wondered "What...
Your New Beehive: The First Two Weeks
Your New Beehive: The First Two Weeks
Walk through the first fourteen days of beekeeping along with us.
How To Get Your Kids Involved In Beekeeping
How To Get Your Kids Involved In Beekeeping
Are you a beekeeper with a child right on your heels?If so, you should encourage them!You are probably wondering how? Keeping bees is not the...
Harvesting Honey
Harvesting Honey
Depending on your methodology, there are two options for when to harvest honey from your hive - a spin extractor or crush-and-strain.
April Beekeeping: the challenges and rewards
April Beekeeping: the challenges and rewards
A crucial month for bees and beekeepers. Learn what to expect and how to make the most of April.
Weighing your beehive: Why and how
Weighing your beehive: Why and how
Why is weighing your beehive important?Simple - it is a great unobtrusive way to monitor how your bees are doing.It’s important to keep tabs on your...
Bee facts for kids
Bee facts for kids
Bees and kids are often not a happy combination. Taught to fear bee stings at a young age, children often erupt with screams and tears...
What to know about Warre hives
What to know about Warre hives
The result of 50 years of research, the Warre beehive is designed to mimic bees in nature as much as possible. We look at it's...
Common concerns about keeping bees
Common concerns about keeping bees
It's not uncommon for the laymen to harbor a fear of bees. But a little digging shows they are far more docile than many consider.
Beekeeping and Easter
Beekeeping and Easter
There are more associations between beekeeping and Easter than you might imagine.
The special properties of propolis
The special properties of propolis
Propolis is more than just that sticky substance that makes it difficult to move your frames – it plays a crucial role in a hive’s...
What to Know About Top Bar Hives
What to Know About Top Bar Hives
The top bar hive has emerged as a popular alternative to the Langstroth for people who are looking to avoid heavy lifting and/or enjoy a...
First Hive Check in the Spring
First Hive Check in the Spring
It’s finally here! That joyous warm weather. The sun is shining, it’s 50°F and you’re ready to see how your bees did over the winter.
Obtaining and assessing varroa mite count
Obtaining and assessing varroa mite count
As a beekeeper, it’s absolutely essential that you keep the varroa mites in your hive under control. Because it’s never a question of whether you...
Unique and Emerging Beekeeping Trends
Unique and Emerging Beekeeping Trends
Although beekeeping is a time-honored tradition, it is constantly evolving and new trends and technology emerging to aide beekeepers - and save the bees.
What to know about Langstroth beehives
What to know about Langstroth beehives
A look at the components of the Langstroth beehive and guidance on operational ​factors to keep your colony happy and healthy.
The language of bees
The language of bees
Just like most intelligent animals, bees communicate with each other. They don’t use words like we do, or clicks like dolphins, but they do have...
6 ways to join the beekeeping community
6 ways to join the beekeeping community
As a new beekeeper you have a lot to learn. Beyond old-school books, today we have the benefit of the Internet. But for the most...
How and when to move a beehive
How and when to move a beehive
Moving a hive full of bees, comb, and honey is not an easy task and should not be undertaken lightly. In addition to the weight...
Can I really be a beekeeper?
Can I really be a beekeeper?
Our resident curious beekeeper-to-be, Amy, wonders whether she has all she needs to be a beekeeper, while hoping her history with plants isn't an accurate...
Over-wintering humans: Getting through the long wait
Over-wintering humans: Getting through the long wait
Beekeepers talk about overwintering - the art of getting bees through the cold winter months. But what about us humans?
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 4 – Adventures in overwintering
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 4 – Adventures in overwintering
The mystery of honey bees in winterFor the layman, it's a bit of a mystery. Those little creatures we associate with beautiful summer days return...
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 3 – Package bees or swarm?
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 3 – Package bees or swarm?
Sarah chose her hive, she decided where to locate it. Now it's time to obtain her bees. A package of bees or a swarm?
Being thankful for bees
Being thankful for bees
As we sit down for Thanksgiving dinner there are so many things for which we should be grateful - but especially the bees!
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 2 – Locating the hive
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 2 – Locating the hive
Sarah considers her beehive location - grade, environmental protections, flight directions and permanence.
Best uses for bee products
Best uses for bee products
If you care for your bees attentively, they will reward you.
Why bees fascinate me
Why bees fascinate me
How one intrigued, fascinated person is slowing getting drawn into the amazing world beekeeping.
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 1 – Choosing the type of hive
A beekeeper’s journey: Part 1 – Choosing the type of hive
The first of a three-part blog series, describing how Sarah decided on her choice of hive.